This Skill Will Turn a No Into a Yes Every Time

Anyone  who has any experience with negotiating has likely heard the word “no.” Though it may not be an easy pill to swallow, rejection is part of doing business. You aren’t always going to close the deal and you may not get the raise you asked for. However, don’t let rejection get you down and cause you to give up. Learning how to embrace rejection is the best thing any negotiator can do. It also begs the question: How can you turn a no into a yes? Losing a few hands doesn’t mean you have to lose the entire tournament. Consider these important skills for turning a no into a yes. 

Desensitize Yourself to “No”

Every negotiation isn’t going to go exactly as planned. It is inevitable that you will hear the word “no” from time to time so it’s best to start desensitizing yourself to the word “no” as quickly as possible. It’s important to understand that “no” is a part of doing business and you can’t take it personally. Don’t let it distract you from moving forward. Rather, find out the “why” behind the “no” and look for a solution. 

Don’t Give Up So Easily

In many cases, “no” doesn’t really mean “no.” It’s just a simple answer for people to give when they are still trying to figure out what they want or they aren’t ready to give you an answer. That’s why it’s important to be persistent and keep moving forward. It’s also time to shift your focus and try to uncover what is holding your counterpart back. What are their needs? What are they trying to accomplish? Figure out what your counterpart is looking for and reevaluate your pitch so you can provide an appropriate solution. 

Address Their Concerns

If you hear the word “no,” it could be a sign that something is wrong. Perhaps your pitch is too long and winded. Maybe your product or service is too expensive. It could be that your request is unreasonable. It’s important to find out what is preventing your counterpart from giving you a “yes” so you need to do some research to find out. Ask them what their concerns are and take the time to actually listen to their response. Instead of preparing your rebuttal as they are speaking, really listen to them and understand their point of view. Once you get this feedback, you can take some time to come up with a reasonable solution and then change things up and get back out there.

Re-Establish Rapport

It’s important to remain professional and let your prospect know that it’s ok that they didn’t say “yes” immediately. However, don’t walk away from the negotiation. Simply, restate their concerns and offer encouragement through your solutions. Then, give your counterpart a little bit of time to relax and really consider your offer. By maintaining a strong rapport with them, you are more likely to have success when you revisit the negotiation.