Starting Off your First Quarter Right by Building your Negotiation Skills

The start of a new quarter means a new chance for you to achieve your goals. If you want to perform better, hit your numbers, and reach new heights, you can leverage your chances by building your negotiation skills. There is no question that negotiation skills play a critical role in doing business. In today’s highly competitive market, the ability to negotiate effectively puts you at a much greater advantage. Not only will you become a better communicator, but you will also find that you can increase your profitability dramatically. If you want to gain a competitive edge this quarter, start by strengthening these important negotiating skills.


Communication Skills

Communication is the foundation of any negotiation. How you communicate can make or break a negotiation. You must be able to convey your message clearly and effectively if you want to succeed as a negotiator. Verbal, nonverbal, and written communication skills are essential when negotiating, and strengthening your communication skills can help you gain a competitive edge at the bargaining table. 


Listening Skills

Many people think negotiation is all about stating their case, but listening is equally important. In fact, the best negotiators understand that it is through listening that they gain pertinent information about what is motivating their counterpart. In addition to gaining useful information, listening also helps to build a rapport with the other party because they feel like their voice is being heard. If you want to strengthen your negotiation skills, you want to start by learning how to listen. 


Planning and Organizing Skills

Negotiation involves a great deal of planning in order to be successful. You can’t simply walk in and “wing it.” Rather, a great negotiator spends time researching and gathering information about the other party prior to the negotiation. Then, they devise a plan and strategy that will give them the best chance of achieving a win-win outcome. They spend time creating a detailed outline of their goals, what concessions they will make/receive, and how they plan to go about leading the discussion. A successful negotiation involves methodical planning and a great deal of organization before the two parties even sit down to talk.


Problem-Solving Skills

Most negotiations happen because one or both parties is seeking a solution to a problem. Good-problem solving skills allow you to seek solutions that are mutually beneficial. Furthermore, you can learn how to identify potential problems before they occur. If you can learn how to solve your customer’s problem, you are likely to see a boost in sales. 


Negotiation skills are necessary no matter what industry you are in, and learning to negotiate effectively can help you land deals and build long-lasting relationships. They can also help you get that promotion you have been after or get the lead on that big project at work. Building your negotiation skills takes time, but it is well worth the effort and can ultimately help you to hit your new quarter goals.