Principled Negotiation: How to Resolve Conflicts and Get to Yes

If you are wondering how to get the most out of your next negotiation, you need to learn more about conflict resolution. Every great negotiator must know how to resolve conflict because almost every business negotiation is part of a long-term relationship. That means conflicts are bound to arise and having strong conflict resolution strategies can help you strengthen your relationship and achieve a more productive outcome. Here we will learn more about how to negotiate conflicts effectively in order to get to yes. 

What is Conflict Negotiation?

Conflict negotiation is a process aimed at resolving disputes or disagreements between two or more parties by finding common ground and reaching mutually acceptable outcomes. Both parties engage in discussions to address their needs and concerns. It is not about winning or losing, but rather focusing on creating a beneficial outcome for all parties involved. This is an important negotiation strategy because it demonstrates mutual respect for both parties while also strengthening the relationship for future discussions. In order to successfully resolve conflict in negotiation, you will need to do the following: 

Be an Active Listener

Listening is a powerful tool when it comes to conflict resolution. Whether you are negotiating with a difficult party or handling an angry customer, active listening can uncover hidden information that might be motivating the other party’s feelings. This information will allow you to create a sensible pathway to move forward. It is essential that you listen respectfully to the other party’s concerns and point of view in order to identify opportunities and achieve valuable insight that will satisfy both parties. 

Control Your Emotions

It’s easy to let your emotions get the best of you when you are in the middle of a heated negotiation. However, this typically does not end well. You never want to compromise the negotiation by challenging, demeaning, or criticizing the other party. This can provoke an emotional response from them and shift the balance of power in their favor. Instead, take a break if necessary to gather your thoughts and harness your emotions so you can return to the discussion ready to move forward in a positive direction. 

Be Patient

Patience is your ally when it comes to conflict resolution. When you are patient, you can take time to understand the situation, manage the crisis wisely, and find creative solutions that benefit everyone involved. When you practice patience, you are able to create more favorable outcomes. 

Focus on Creating Value

You may have to deal with conflicting positions during a negotiation, but if you focus on creating a valuable solution, you can end up with a win-win scenario. Consider both your interests and those of your counterpart and see where they overlap. Consider what concessions you might be willing to make and what you would accept in return and propose a deal that will benefit both sides.