Negotiating Salary: Do’s And Don’ts

In today’s ever changing economy, many professionals might be apprehensive when it comes to negotiating salary. Whether they have just taken a new job or have been with a company for years, they might feel lucky just to have a job. Nonetheless, there is no need to settle when it comes to your salary. For those applying for a new position or those who are up for their annual review, negotiating salary is an acceptable behavior. These do’s and don’ts can help you increase the chances of getting more when it comes to negotiating your salary.

Do Your Research
While you may have a number in your head, take the time to research positions comparable to yours and understand what the average salaries are for someone with your skill set. Also, consider company standards and the number of quality candidates competing for your position. If you are looking for an annual raise, showcase your performance for that year and what you have brought to the table.

Don’t Jump Right Into Salary Talks
You should never start an interview by jumping right into salary and benefits. You want to show that you are interested in the position and the company, not just money. Let the employer be the one to bring up the topic of salary and you will have a much greater position for negotiation.

Do Offer A Salary Range
Instead of getting hung up on a specific dollar amount, give a range that you would be open to. This will leave room for negotiation without giving the impression that you are stuck on a certain amount.

Don’t Accept The First Offer
Typically, the first offer is not the company’s best offer. It is expected that you will try to negotiate. You might not be able to get the exact dollar amount that you are looking for, but explore other perks such as health insurance, vacation time, and flexible schedule. Look at it as an employment package rather than just a paycheck.

Do Make A Strong Case
Take the time to let your employer know the value of what you bring to the company. Rather than talking about previous salary, discuss the ways in which your performance has bettered the company. Be sure to reiterate what your position calls for and exactly how you have met that criteria.

Though it can be a stressful topic for discussion, negotiating salary is an important step in making sure that you are valued for your work and compensated fairly for your position. This is not a time to appear arrogant or angry, but rather confident and assertive. With the right approach, anyone can negotiate their salary and work toward getting what they deserve.