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The Role of Active Listening in Effective Negotiations

The Role of Active Listening in Effective Negotiations


Many people focus solely on what they plan to say during a negotiation and fail to consider the implications of not listening. Active listening plays a monumental role in the effectiveness of communication within a negotiation. Active listening fosters understanding, builds rapport, and facilitates better communication between parties. By actively listening, a negotiator shows a genuine interest in the needs and perspectives of the other party, which builds trust and lays the foundation for a successful negotiation. 

Trust Building

One of the key benefits of active listening in negotiations is that it helps to establish trust and create a more supportive environment. This sincerity helps to forge relationships and is more likely to lead to productive and collaborative conversations. By actively listening to the other party’s viewpoints, you demonstrate empathy and respect, both of which foster a trusting and positive relationship. 

Gather Valuable Insight

People often have underlying concerns or needs that go unnoticed and may not be directly addressed. As a result, it can be difficult to find a mutually agreeable solution. Active listening, however, enables you to gather valuable information and a deeper understanding of the motivations and priorities of the other party. This information can be helpful in addressing concerns and identifying areas of mutual interest. 

Clarify Misunderstandings

Negotiations can quickly go awry due to misunderstandings. Active listening helps clarify these misunderstandings and prevents such pitfalls. By actively listening and seeking clarification where necessary, you can ensure both parties are on the same page and there are no misunderstandings that could derail the negotiation. 

Enhance Collaboration

Active listening also promotes a sense of collaboration. By listening to the needs and concerns of the other party, you can work together to identify creative solutions that meet the needs of all parties involved. When both parties feel heard, they are more likely to work together to find a mutually satisfactory solution. 


Active listening is a fundamental skill that plays a vital role in effective negotiations. By actively listening to the other party, demonstrating a genuine interest in their needs, and seeking to work together, you can build trust and lay the foundation for successful outcomes. Like any skill, active listening requires consistent effort and practice. At Bold New Directions, we can help you learn how to harness the power of active listening to become a better negotiator. Call today to learn more about out Negotiation Training courses and how they can set you up for success!

How to Negotiate Salary and Benefits Effectively

How to Negotiate Salary and Benefits Effectively


Negotiating for a higher salary or benefits package can be intimidating, but not negotiating can impact your lifelong earning potential. Most employers expect you to negotiate, so take the opportunity to set yourself up for success. With the right strategies, you effectively advocate for yourself and reach an agreement for a favorable compensation package. Here are some tips for negotiating salary and benefits effectively. 

Do You Research

Before doing any negotiating, research industry standards and salary ranges for similar positions in your area with the same level of experience. This information will provide you with a benchmark for what is reasonable and help you make a case for your desired salary and benefits. 

Know Your Value

You can’t negotiate a salary if you don’t know how much you are worth. Understanding your own value and what you have or can contribute to the organization is vital when asking for a higher salary and benefits package. Be prepared to share your skills, experience, and achievements that make you a valuable asset to your company. Use concrete examples to articulate why you are deserving of  the desired salary and benefits you are requesting. 

Keep an Open and Positive Mindset

Approach the negotiation with a positive and collaborative mindset. Be open to compromise and willing to listen to your employer’s perspective. You also need to be mindful of other forms of compensation that might be valuable to you in other ways, such as flexible work arrangements, additional PTO, or professional development opportunities. Be willing to consider other options that might also be negotiable. 

Practice Your Pitch

Finally, take the time to prepare a strong and persuasive argument and practice your pitch beforehand. Focus on clearly articulating your points, including your skills and accomplishments. Be strategic in your approach and remember to highlight the value you bring to the company. Also, prepare yourself for challenging questions and be prepared as to how you will handle those questions. 


These are just a few tips for negotiating benefits and salary more effectively. With preparation, confidence, and a willingness to be open-minded, you can advocate for yourself in order to achieve a more successful outcome. For more tips on how to negotiate successfully, sign up for one of our Negotiation Training courses. At Bold new Directions, our presenters can provide you with the tools and resources to be successful negotiators. Call today to learn more about our Negotiation Training courses and how they can help you advance your career.

Handling Difficult People in Negotiations: Tips and Techniques

Handling Difficult People in Negotiations: Tips and Techniques


In the business world, you will undoubtedly find yourself negotiating with all different kinds of people. Some people are naturally calm while others are more emotional and difficult to deal with. Handling difficult people in negotiations can be a challenging task, and can leave you feeling uncomfortable. However, you may encounter these people in any industry so it is essential that you are well prepared. Here we will look at some tips and techniques for dealing with difficult people in negotiations. 

1. Stay Calm and Composed

The most important thing you can do when negotiating with a difficult person is to remain calm and composed. When faced with someone who is being confrontational, it’s easy to let your emotions take over and become defensive. However, it is important to remain calm and level-headed and only respond in a professional manner. Staying calm will prevent the situation from escalating any further. 

2. Listen

One of the most effective tools for dealing with difficult people is simply to listen. Oftentimes, people get combative because they don’t feel like their concerns are being heard. That’s why it is crucial to listen to the other person’s concerns and perspective. This demonstrates empathy and understanding, which can help build a rapport with the other person. 

3. Offer Solutions

If you show up to a meeting with difficult people and you don’t have any solutions prepared, this may be seen as a sign of weakness. Difficult people may be unwilling to brainstorm solutions with you and instead focus solely on their own position. Showing up prepared with some solutions to offer can help level the playing field. 

4. Be Assertive

Many people who are difficult to negotiate with have strong personalities and believe they should be the one controlling the conversation. In these cases, be assertive when it comes to presenting your own ideas. Don’t back down and shy away when the other person is asserting their position. Rather, match them with your own position and strength. You can do this in a professional way that comes across as confident. Doing so will likely help you establish respect and credibility with the other person. 

5. Be Flexible

Flexibility can also be helpful when dealing with difficult people. Be willing to compromise and find creative solutions in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. 

6. Set Boundaries

If you know you will be dealing with a difficult person, it is important to establish boundaries that cannot be crossed. Be firm in upholding your own interests and do not allow yourself to be coerced or manipulated into making concessions. Setting clear boundaries will help you stand your ground and navigate challenging situations.


Handling difficult people in negotiations requires patience, communication, and assertiveness. By staying calm, listening, and setting clear boundaries you can navigate these challenges while also improving your negotiation skills. If you want to learn more about how to handle challenging negotiations, consider enrolling in one of our Negotiation Training workshops. Call today or sign-up online and learn the skills necessary to become a more effective negotiator both personally and professionally. 

Building Confidence for Effective Negotiations

Building Confidence for Effective Negotiations


Confidence in negotiation refers to the belief in one’s self, abilities, and value. It is essential for negotiations, as it influences how negotiators present themselves and how they are perceived by others. Building confidence not only helps you assert yourself and communicate more effectively, but it also helps you to navigate challenges in order to reach successful outcomes. Here we will discuss the importance of building confidence in negotiations as well as strategies for doing so. 

Why is confidence important in negotiations?

Confidence can play an important role in negotiation success because it allows you to present yourself and your ideas with conviction. When you are confident in your ability to communicate, you command respect and your ideas sound more credible. Furthermore, confidence helps you maintain a strong and assertive stance whereas the other party will not be as inclined to try and coerce you into making concessions. When negotiators are confident, they can approach negotiations with assurance, make informed decisions, and respond effectively to counterarguments. 

How can you develop confidence in negotiating?

1. Prepare Thoroughly

One of the first steps in building confidence is to prepare thoroughly. Knowledge is power and the more you know about the topic of discussion, the more confident you are going to be in that conversation. Research the topic, understand your position, and prepare for any challenges or objections that might arise. The more you arm yourself with knowledge the more confident and capable you will be to handle anything that comes your way during the negotiation.

2. Practice Communication

Effective communication is an absolute must during a negotiation and being able to express yourself clearly and articulate your thoughts will help boost your confidence. Practice what you plan to say and focus on sharing your ideas concisely. Remember to maintain eye contact, a confident posture, and confident tone of voice when speaking. 

3. Know Your Worth

Another important factor in building self-confidence in negotiations is knowing your worth. This means knowing what you can bring to the table, what you hope to achieve, and what you would be willing to accept or reject. You need to be prepared by researching market values, analysis of data, and how you can leverage your strengths. 

4. Have a Positive Mindset

There is power in positive visualization. This means adopting an optimistic mindset and having a positive attitude toward the negotiation and the other party. You need to believe in your abilities and the value you bring to the table. You also need to be respectful and cooperative with the other party. Before entering a negotiation, take some time to visualize yourself as a confident and successful negotiator. 

5. Use Confident Body Language

You can express confidence and assertiveness through your body language. Sitting up straight, maintaining eye contact, keeping your shoulders back, and avoiding fidgeting or crossed arms can help you appear confident and professional. You also want to nod, smile, and speak clearly and confidently to convey your message to the other party. 


Building confidence is essential for successful negotiations. Confidence enables you to present yourself assertively, communicate effectively, and handle challenging situations with ease. Preparation, communication skills, a positive attitude, and the right body language can all help you build confidence as a negotiator. If you want to learn even more about how to negotiate with confidence, sign up for one of our Negotiation Training workshops. Our trainers can help you approach negotiations with poise and confidence in order to reach more successful outcomes. Call us today to learn more about our Negotiation training programs!

The Importance of Preparation in Negotiations

The Importance of Preparation in Negotiations


In the business world, negotiation skills are critical and preparation is the foundation upon which successful negotiations are built. Whether you are discussing a business deal, resolving a conflict, or making a major purchase, the ability to negotiate effectively can greatly impact your professional success. One of the most influential aspects of any negotiation is preparation. Here we will discuss the crucial role of preparation in business negotiations. 

Setting Clear Goals

Effective preparation allows negotiators to establish clear goals and objectives. By taking the time to clearly define what you want to achieve, you can focus your efforts and keep the discussion on track throughout the negotiation. These goals serve as a guide, helping negotiators advocate for the interests while also making informed decisions.

Anticipate Challenges

Preparation helps you anticipate potential challenges that may arise during the negotiation. By conducting thorough research, you can gather information that will provide insights into the other party’s objectives, needs, and pain points. This understanding helps you tailor your approach and develop strategies that will better connect with the other party and improve your position at the bargaining table. 

Support Your Arguments

In addition, preparation allows you to gather relevant information and data to support your arguments and improve your position. Having knowledge of facts, figures, and evidence can strengthen your position and increase your credibility. It also helps you anticipate the other party’s potential tactics so you can respond effectively. 

Develop a Win-Win Solution

Preparation also enables you to gather necessary information and insights to identify common ground and potential areas of agreement. By understanding the needs and interests of all parties involved, you can explore creative solutions that will satisfy everyone’s needs. This collaborative approach leads to successful outcomes and enhances the relationship for future negotiations. 

Manage Your Emotions

Finally, preparation can help you manage your emotions and reactions during negotiations. By practicing and visualizing different scenarios, you can rehearse your reactions and learn to become composed and confident in high-pressure situations. 


The importance of preparation in negotiations cannot be overstated. Adequate preparation empowers negotiators to set clear goals, anticipate challenges, support their arguments, develop win-win solutions, and manage their emotions. Investing time and effort in preparation courses such as those at Bold New Directions can increase your confidence and allow you to achieve more successful outcomes. Call today or sign up for one of our negotiation training courses and learn how to develop the strategies needed to become an effective negotiator. 


The Benefits of Professional Negotiation Training

The Benefits of Professional Negotiation Training


In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, the benefits of being a skilled negotiator cannot be overstated. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just beginning your career, the ability to negotiate effectively can make the difference between getting that promotion or watching it all fall apart. In addition to closing deals, understanding how to negotiate effectively can lead to stronger relationships with clients and colleagues. For these reasons, many businesses now offer negotiation training as part of their employee development programs. Here are just a few of the benefits of investing in professional negotiation training. 

Learn to Prepare for Any Negotiation

Whether you are negotiating a higher salary with your boss or working to close a large business deal, effective negotiation requires a similar framework for success. Professional negotiation training provides individuals with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to negotiate successfully in a variety of situations. Not only will individuals learn the basics of a strong negotiation framework, but they will also have the opportunity to refine their skills through real-life practice. 

Build Confidence

One of the most difficult things for negotiators to gain is confidence. Many people are apprehensive about negotiating, fearing that they will come across as too aggressive or risk damaging relationships. Through professional training, individuals will learn how to apply the right skills in order to combat their anxiety, advocate for their interests, and approach negotiations with confidence. 

Learn to Communicate Effectively

In addition, professional negotiation training helps individuals learn how to communicate effectively and build rapport with others. Negotiation is about more than just getting what you want. It’s about finding common ground with others and building relationships. Training helps individuals understand the importance of listening, empathy, and building trust in order to reach more successful outcomes. 

Gain Practical Insight

Finally, professional negotiation training provides individuals with practical insight and strategies to navigate even the most difficult negotiations. From understanding different negotiation styles to recognizing tactics, individuals learn how to find mutually beneficial solutions while also knowing how and when to walk away from a deal. Having the skills necessary to handle challenging situations is the key to successful negotiations.


Overall, professional negotiation training offers an array of benefits for individuals looking to advance their careers and achieve their goals. At Bold New Directions, we focus on interactive exercises, dynamic role play, and one-on-one coaching  to help individuals improve their negotiating skills. Call us today to find out how we can help you achieve your negotiation goals and get a free quote for one of our negotiation training programs.


How to Turn Negotiation Failures Into Learning Opportunities

How to Turn Negotiation Failures Into Learning Opportunities


Negotiation failures are bound to happen in any business. Whether it’s a failed attempt at a raise, a deal that fell through, or a dispute with a colleague, encountering setbacks in negotiations is inevitable. However, rather than looking at these situations as failures, they can be used as valuable learning experiences to help you grow and improve your skills in the future. Here’s how you can transform a negotiation failure into a valuable learning opportunity.

1. Reflect

Reflection is the first step in turning a negotiation failure into a learning experience. Take the time to review and analyze the situation, identify any mistakes or missteps, and consider what you could have done differently. Were your goals realistic? Were there any breakdowns in communication? Did you fail to prepare adequately? When you are honest with yourself and can identify the root causes of the failure, you gain valuable insight into how you should approach negotiations moving forward.

2. Seek Feedback

Constructive feedback is an invaluable tool for those looking to improve their negotiation skills. Reach out to the other party, a trusted colleague, or a mentor to gather their perspective. They may be able to offer insights into areas you hadn’t considered which will allow you to gain clarity on how you can improve.

3. Use it as a Chance to Adjust Your Strategy

It is important to view negotiation failures as opportunities for growth and development. This is the ideal opportunity to adjust your negotiation strategy and identify specific areas where you could improve, such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, or being an active listener. Consider what you could have done differently and how it may have impacted the outcome. This will allow you to better understand and prepare for future negotiations.

4. Seek Additional Training

Furthermore, this is the perfect time to seek additional training or resources to further develop your negotiation skills. You could enroll in a negotiation workshop or training seminar, or even work with a negotiation coach. Investing in your skill development will help you develop your mental toughness so you can navigate future challenges more effectively and work toward achieving your goals. 

5. Embrace Change

Finally, you need to be willing to adapt your strategies and tactics where needed. Negotiation is a complex process so it’s important to be flexible and learn to embrace change. Stay up to date on new negotiation trends and focus on continuously refining and improving your approach for each negotiation. 


While negotiation failures can be disappointing and frustrating, they can also be valuable learning opportunities. By reflecting on the root causes of the failure, you can improve your strategy for future negotiations. You can also invest in your skill development by signing up for one of Bold New Direction’s negotiation workshops. Call today and learn more about how our training workshops can help you reach greater success in future negotiations.

How to Balance Assertiveness and Empathy in Negotiations

How to Balance Assertiveness and Empathy in Negotiations


Whether you are negotiating a higher salary with your employers or settling a dispute with a client, the ability to negotiate effectively is a valuable skill that can help you achieve your professional goals. In order to be a successful negotiator, it is important to find the right balance between being assertive and advocating for your own interests, while also demonstrating empathy and understanding the needs of the other person. Finding the perfect balance between these two can be a challenging task in negotiation, but it is also necessary for achieving a mutually beneficial outcome. Here are some tips on how to strike the right balance between being assertive and showing empathy. 

1. Define Your Goals and Boundaries

Before entering into a negotiation, take the time to clarify what is most important to you and what you want to achieve. You also need to have a clear understanding of what you are willing to accept or reject. This will help you be more assertive and confident in expressing your position and priorities. 

2. Listen Actively and Empathetically

One of the most important, yet often overlooked skills in negotiation is listening. Active listening means paying close attention to what the other person is saying, asking questions, and reflecting on what you hear. This demonstrates a genuine interest in the other person and shows that you are willing to consider their point of view. This helps to build trust and rapport with the other party which, in turn, will make it easier to find common ground. 

3. Communicate Assertively and Respectfully

The way in which you communicate with the other party can make a big difference in how they perceive you. You want to clearly and confidently communicate your own needs, while also respecting the other party. Be honest and direct about your priorities and also remember to acknowledge and recognize the other party’s efforts. 

4. Use “I” Statements

You want to use “I” statements to express your feelings and opinions. This allows you to take ownership of your own thoughts instead of placing blame on others. For example, instead of saying, “You are not listening to me, you can say “I feel unheard when you interrupt me.” This helps to prevent the other party from feeling attacked and helps to facilitate open communication. 

5. Seek Win-Win Solutions

A negotiation should not end with a winner and a loser. Rather, it is a collaborative process where both parties should strive to find mutually beneficial solutions. Look for creative ways to address each other’s concerns and find solutions that meet both of your needs and interests. This collaborative approach leads to a better outcome and a stronger working relationship. 


Finding the right balance between assertiveness and empathy in negotiations is a skill that requires practice and self-awareness. At Bold New Directions we offer a variety of negotiation training programs that can strengthen your team’s ability to successfully complete workplace negotiations. Call today or sign up for one of our training courses and learn how to become a more effective negotiator. 


The Importance of Negotiation Skills in the Modern Workplace

The Importance of Negotiation Skills in the Modern Workplace

The art of negotiation is a critical skill that is essential for success in today’s fast-paced and competitive business market. Taking the time to learn how to apply these skills in your career and business are well worth the effort. After all, the ability to negotiate can mean the difference between forging a lucrative business relationship and losing an important business deal. With good negotiation skills, companies benefit from increased profits, strong partnerships, and the ability to resolve disputes. Additionally, it can be used by employees to increase salaries and achieve better positions. Here are just a few of the reasons why strong negotiation skills can help you achieve success in the modern workplace. 

Builds Respect

Good negotiators are often great communicators and confident in their ability to forge business deals. This can leave a lasting impression on others and they will see you as an excellent problem-solver, a fair business partner, and someone who can maximize productivity. If you possess strong negotiation skills, you will likely earn the respect of your colleagues, employees, vendors, and customers. 

Achieve Win-Win Outcomes

Despite what many people believe, negotiations do not always end with a “winner” and a “loser.” In fact, the best negotiations end with a win-win outcome. Great negotiators understand the importance of finding solutions that benefit everyone involved. This leads to better working relationships, increased trust, and a good result for everyone. Businesses will want to work with you and this will give you a leg up in developing working relationships. 

Navigate Conflict

Conflict is an inevitable part of any business and negotiation skills can help you handle difficult situations in the modern workplace. There are bound to be times when disagreements and misunderstanding lead to conflict, but having strong negotiation skills can help you address these issues and reach a solution in a constructive manner.

Maximize Value

You never want to accept the first offer in a business negotiation because it is usually the best offer for the other party, but not for you. Strong negotiation skills enable you to reach a better deal that will benefit both parties. You want what is best for your business and negotiation skills will help you maximize the value of your deals and partnerships. 

Advancing Your Career

Finally, negotiation skills can help you achieve your professional goals. Whether you are negotiating a salary increase, a promotion, or a job offer, the ability to negotiate effectively can help you secure the best possible outcome. 


Negotiation skills are essential for success in the modern workplace. They can help you build trust, achieve win-win outcomes, navigate conflict, maximize value, and advance your career. Strengthen your negotiation skills by enrolling in one of our negotiation training courses and take your negotiation skills to the next level! Request a free quote for one of our courses or seminars and learn how to become a more effective and successful negotiator today!


The Impact of Body Language on Negotiation Outcomes

The Impact of Body Language on Negotiation Outcomes

Negotiation is a critical skill in today’s business world, and the ability to negotiate effectively can be the key to success. One of the most important, yet often overlooked, aspects of negotiation is body language. Body language can shape the dynamic of the interaction between parties, significantly influencing the outcome of the negotiation. While it is certainly important to convey your spoken information effectively, nonverbal communication such as facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, and posture, can significantly impact the negotiation process. If used correctly, body language can help build rapport, convey credibility, and be leveraged to achieve better outcomes. Here are some of the ways that body language can influence the negotiation process.

Building Rapport and Trust

One of the key impacts of body language on negotiation is its role in developing rapport and trust. Nonverbal communication such as a firm handshake, a smile, open posture, and eye contact are examples of welcoming gestures and positive body language. This helps to foster trust by signaling warmth, confidence, and sincerity. These positive forms of communication help to establish a connection with the other party and can lay the foundation for a productive and collaborative relationship. 

Convey Credibility and Confidence

Our body language can influence others’ perceptions of us. Posture, gestures, and facial expressions can convey confidence, assertiveness, and competence. This can assist in building credibility and influencing the other person’s perceptions of the negotiator’s expertise and trustworthiness.

Influence Behavior

Body language can also be a powerful tool for influencing the other party’s behavior and responses during negotiations. Nonverbal cues such as mirroring the other person’s gestures, leaning in to show interest, and nodding in agreement can signal engagement and build a subliminal connection with the other person. This can encourage the other person to reciprocate, collaborate, and cooperate. 


Body language plays an important role in negotiation, impacting the dynamics, outcomes, and interactions between the two parties. By understanding the role of body language in negotiation, negotiators can enhance their communication skills, establish trust and rapport, and increase the likelihood of reaching a favorable outcome. Learn how to become more aware of your body